Greetings Sliders,
As one would reasonably assume the 7 to 9 inch teaser snow we received got beat down pretty good on the heavy traffic trails and held up fairly good on the lesser traveled segments. We have two Sliders in that rode to Lewiston and back today and reported good rides.
The warm up is still on track to be here starting Thursday and will intensify Friday and Saturday. The critical aspect to any warm up is the day or days of the week that it occurs. This one couldn’t hit on a worse set of days. Once the remaining snow gets a little mushy and weekend traffic starts running conditions will go south in a hurry.
The good news is that snow is in the forecast for the first of next week and hopefully we will get enough to get the groomers fired up.
Trail conditions right now are a mixed bag, some good, some not so much and there’s no telling what will happen over the weekend. It’s early season and I’m going to go with fair and stay conservative at the same time I would tell you to ride the lesser travelled segments and you should be okay. Not great but okay.
Ride Often and Please Be Safe,
Keith, Sandy and The Girls