Greetings Sledders,
Well here we go again, another gut punch just when we were dialed in with some very nice conditions.
Too much warmth and humidity followed by too much rain and we are back to icy conditions.
To add insult to injury we had a breakdown Friday night and two and a half days were wasted chasing our tails trying to determine the cause. Is it a fuel issue, something mechanical, or is it a random electrical problem. Electrical it was and it took a tech from the dealership all day Monday to track it down and repair.
We are now back to 100%. So we wait.
We got about an inch overnight and I did a test run to see if we could possibly go out and iron out some of the moguls that were left from the weekend. I had limited success with the mogul part but the real problem was dragging the snow along the icy stretches because there isn’t enough surface tension to pull the snow through the drag. So we wait.
The forecast doesn’t look all that promising with freezing rain tomorrow and no measureable snowfall until next week. So we wait.
I’ll get another report out as soon as conditions look to improve or if I should get tired of waiting and decide to write one for the hell of it.
Ride as soon as we get snow as it may not last long,
Keith, Sandy and The Girls