Greetings Sledders,
At least I got the salutation correct. Sorry if I offended anyone with the Sliders gaff to open the last report, didn’t mean to relegate anyone to that of a downhill tuber.
I’ve been waiting for the latest typical January weather pattern to get behind us before reporting as conditions have been changing and I felt it was necessary to wait for things to settle down a little.
We are now into temps that are going to freeze things back up, it’s currently snowing and we did get a couple of inches last night and the groomer that is still running is out on an exploratory run to see if we can pan this new snow as long as the trail is not too wet.
If you take that to mean we have a tractor down you are correct. Hopefully it will be back online tomorrow when we receive the new muffler, damn thing rusted and literally fell off the tractor while the driver was out last Saturday,
In order to beat the heat we started grooming last Saturday morn at 5:30 with the object of running single passes on as much trail as possible before the sun would inevitably chase us off. We can’t process wet snow. Both of us were in Grayling proper when he had this little ( what the hell ) mishap at which time he went from riding in a relatively quite tractor to one that was on the starting line at a tractor pull.
Just heard from the driver that’s out and he reports that panning the new snow on top of the old trail material is working so far. As long as he can meet the objective which is to cover the tractor tracks without cutting into the wet snow underneath it could conceivably work out as a decent start to a good base.
Right now I’m going with poor to fair until enough time goes by to freeze everything solid after that we could end up with good rating.
Wish I had better info for you.
Ride Often and Please Be Safe,
Keith, Sandy and The Girls